We are in a book-binding, screen-printing mad-rush this week in preparation for WonderCon 2008. For those of you in the San Francisco Bay Area, we will be exhibiting in the Small Press area [SP25 on the map] from Friday February 22 - Sunday February 24.
In addition to hardcover copies of our book, "The Irrelevant Redemption", we've also got some new sketchbooks, prints, and of course, some sweet new tees. If you're planning on attending, stop by booth and say hello!
The folks at the Fashion Me Fabulous blog recently featured us in their independent design competition, Project Design, and also spotlighted us as their Etsy Shop of the Week! Thanks to everyone who voted for us!
So having been on a steady diet of science fiction and fantasy since my very first episode of Voltron at the age of 5, I've often found myself explaining to others why I typically find non-speculative literature unchallenging. I have a pretty well-rehearsed diatribe about how I prefer books that give me a new world or concept to play with, rather than offer me a rehash of the limited gamut of "real" human experiences. But now when I'm feeling lazy, I can just point folks to this fantastic article by Wired magazine writer Clive Thompson, in which he poses that science fiction is "the last great literature of ideas". -S.
Our Tender Time Bomb men's tee was mentioned as a February Love & Valentine's pick on Yarnbeast's Blog.
Tick, tick, kaboom!
We had the awesome fortune to be featured in two frontpage steampunk-themed Etsy treasuries in January!
Our Mechanical Dove Scarf was included in glueandglitter's splendid Steampunk Treasury on 1.08.08:

And a week later, our Logic Trap shirt was selected by MyFairyBabies for her smashing Sprocket Head Treasury on 1.16.08:
We're delighted that the Steampunk aesthetic is gaining exposure, and it's fantastic to see all the brilliant work being created by artists in the genre! Thanks Etsyians, for helping make our cold January a bit brighter!